Poopie Bird
Okay, I know the title of this entry is not all that polite, but that's what we call our little feathered friend. For the last 15 years (and maybe even longer), we've had an English Sparrow call the small ledge under our porch covering home. Although we know it is not the same bird, we have always wondered if it might be the offspring of our first visitor. Poopie Bird usually shows up starting in late September or early October and stays with us until around the end of March or beginning of April. He (we assume it is a he) usually settles into his perch right around dusk and then leaves around dawn. In the past, we've never discouraged or protected anything from Poopie Bird doing what earned him his name. But this year, Casey surprised us by redoing our front porch deck, and the last thing we really need is reminders of our nocturnal visitor. So, we put floor mats down and shake off what Poopie Bird leaves for us. And now, Craig, Poopie Bird, and I share our house with relative bliss.

Labels: English sparrow
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